- 2024-11-25 - Baton Armor TM Question #5
- 2024-11-25 - Baton Armor TM Question #4
- 2024-11-25 - Baton Armor TM Question #3
- 2024-11-25 - Baton Armor TM Question #2
- 2024-11-25 - Baton Armor TM Question #1
- 2024-10-23 - What do you think about the recent sound changes?
- 2024-09-28 - Is it important for Combat Shotguns to be available via Cargo order?
- 2024-09-28 - What could be improved about the new rifle (BR-38)?
- 2024-09-28 - Do you think the new rifle (BR-38) is a good addition?
- 2024-09-28 - Have you used the new rifle (BR-38)?
- 2024-09-28 - What do you think about the current Nonhuman Heads event? Do you think it has a space in TG? What experiences have you had with Nonhuman Heads?
- 2024-08-23 - We are hosting a Q&A on both the Wallening and the way the codebase handles development and player feedback in general. Please enter a question you would like answered.
- 2024-08-23 - What do you think of the Wallening, in general? (Free response)
- 2024-08-23 - What problems do you have with the Wallening?
- 2024-08-23 - Ignoring any bugs, what do you think about the new art style itself?
- 2024-08-21 - What has been your experience with the new Voidwalker antagonist?
- 2024-03-06 - Should streamers be allowed to roll for roundstart revs and cult?
- 2024-01-15 - How Comprehensible is current Policy?
- 2023-12-30 - Should a hypothetical updated Space Law be IC or OOCly enforceable?
- 2023-11-26 - How many rounds of ss13 a day is too much?
- 2023-11-14 - How do you usually swap hands?
- 2023-11-12 - Retro Re-Poll: Please rate how much you approve of these common playstyles.
- 2023-11-04 - would you rather have one marshmallow NOW or two in five minutes?
- 2023-10-29 - How Do You Feel About The New Silicon Policy?
- 2023-10-22 - How often do you use the forums?
- 2023-10-15 - How Do You Feel About Space Law?
- 2023-10-07 - How do you currently feel about Traitor as an antagonist?
- 2023-09-30 - Why do you play on your favourite server (Basic, Sybil, Terry, Manuel, Campbell) instead of the others?
- 2023-09-23 - What kinds of rounds do you prefer?
- 2023-04-21 - Harmful Audio
- 2023-01-18 - Generally, how relatable do you find the members of the admin team?
- 2023-01-18 - How satisfied are you with the community forums?
- 2023-01-18 - How satisfied are you with the community discord?
- 2023-01-18 - Generally, how approachable do you find the members of the admin team?
- 2023-01-18 - When you send an adminhelp with no admins on, how satisfied are you with the response?
- 2023-01-18 - When you are bwoinked by an admin, generally how satisfied are you with their conduct?
- 2023-01-18 - When you ahelp for help with game mechanics, generally how satisfied are you with admin response?
- 2023-01-18 - When you ahelp over rulebreaks, generally how satisfied are you with admin response?
- 2023-01-18 - How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the admin team?
- 2022-07-10 - What do you like the most about tgstation?
- 2022-06-28 - Please rate our current station maps on a scale of 1-10.
- 2022-05-25 - Maintenance Access
- 2022-04-21 - How are you feeling about each station map we currently have in rotation?
- 2022-04-04 - With regards to all-access maintenance, what jobs do you most often play?
- 2022-04-04 - All-access maintenance has been running for multiple weeks. What are your thoughts?
- 2022-02-22 - Penguin Poll
- 2022-01-19 - On a scale of 1 to 10 how furry do you want felinids to be
- 2021-11-09 - Should being banned send you a video describing your current predicatment?
- 2021-09-15 - [MRP ONLY] Of these, what problems do you have with Families?
- 2021-09-15 - [MRP ONLY] What do you think of the newest version of Families?
- 2021-08-11 - Overall, do you find the rules after revolutionaries win...
- 2021-08-11 - After revolutionaries win, who can kill former revolutionaries (without escalation)?
- 2021-08-11 - After revolutionaries win, who can kill security/head of staff (without escalation)?
- 2021-07-07 - Do you feel that allowing nicknames has been a positive addition to our servers?
- 2020-10-15 - How do you pronounce "Gif"?
- 2020-08-20 - Does this dog suck?
- 2020-08-03 - Should the portable chem mixer still require an anomaly core
- 2020-06-28 - Families Gamemode Poll
- 2020-03-13 - Economy has been in the game for like ages. So here is a poll on how it's been for you as an individual
- 2019-11-12 - Felinids (cat people) are currently restricted as a round start race. How should felinids (cat people) be treated as a round start race moving forward?
- 2019-11-12 - Felinids (cat people) are currently limited as a round start race within the game. How should felinids (cat people) be treated as a round start race moving forward?
- 2019-10-11 - ***Please vote in this poll*** What are your thoughts on the recent changes to our rule 1 wording? For more information, please visit the following site: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=517538#p517538
- 2019-10-11 - What are your thoughts on the recent changes to our rule 1 wording? For more information, please visit the following site: https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=517538#p517538
- 2019-09-09 - TERRY ONLY POLL How much do you enjoy dynamic mode ?
- 2019-08-03 - Is there interest in having the syndicate contract kit/contractor system expanded upon more to become a full antagonist?
- 2019-06-08 - Do you think that hygiene, the system where you become dirty and gain a stink cloud over time, has been a positive or negative change? Example of hygiene's effects:
- 2019-04-22 - Should Assimilation (also known as Hivemind) remain in the game as a playable gamemode?
- 2019-02-07 - How do you feel about the engine on DonutStation?
- 2019-01-11 - Do you think that hygiene has been a positive or negative change?
- 2018-10-14 - What is your LEAST favorite map?
- 2018-10-13 - What is your favorite map?
- 2018-10-05 - Do you want felinids to remain in /tg/ as a chooseable species
- 2018-09-23 - Please write any feedback you have about the economy system so far here.
- 2018-09-23 - The economy system has been merged. Do you think this has been a positive or negative change? Please try it out before responding. Another poll will be run later to see how opinions have changed.
- 2018-08-25 - General feedback. Use this space to give any sort of feedback relating to the server, the code, the game, the admins, the coders, the website, the community. While ckeys are recorded with votes, they will be removed from the published results.
- 2018-07-25 - Should we enable moodlets with the dirty modifier disabled and hallucination sounds removed?
- 2018-03-16 - Do you enjoy playing clockcult?
- 2018-03-15 - How satisfied are you with the current admin coverage?
- 2018-01-11 - We all make mistakes. Especially /tg/ coders. #coderbus wants your opion on what their biggest fuckup of 2017 was. You can view the whole list here: https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/milestone/24?closed=1
- 2017-10-22 - Do you prefer the older version of Clock Cult, set on station, or the new version of Clock Cult, where you must invade their base?
- 2017-10-13 - Should collars be equippable by humans?
- 2017-08-24 - Remove Gang (Poll Fixed)
- 2017-06-18 - When an admin answers ahelps, do you desire an emphasis on more information and transparency (a detailed explanation of why something is valid, actions taken, etc) or an emphasis on keeping OOC information from players (looking into it, resolved)?
- 2017-06-15 - Remove Cerestation??
- 2017-06-09 - Should catpeople be enabled?
- 2017-06-09 - Should catpeople be considered human?
- 2017-06-05 - What is your preferred future for Gang War?
- 2017-06-05 - What is your preferred future for Gang War?
- 2017-05-31 - General feedback. Use this space to give any sort of feedback relating to the server, the code, the game, the admins, the coders, the website, etc. While ckeys are recorded with votes, they will be removed from the published results.
- 2017-05-31 - Remove Clock Cult
- 2017-05-15 - Now that gang has been in the rotation at a very low chance for a while, how do you feel about it?
- 2017-05-06 - If you had to have play time in a department before you could play that department's head, how much play time would you find acceptable before you would see it as off putting?
- 2017-03-19 - Would you like to see Gang put back into the gamemode rotation?
- 2017-02-16 - Would you be interested in further testing, and possibly permanent merging of https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/23693 ?
- 2017-02-06 - In your opinion, should the medical system be more self-service or should it focus more on doctors actually having to heal?
- 2016-11-26 - What should be the fate of the option for cat features at character setup? I.E. Option to select cat ears and/or tail at your character setup for human species. Should we enable them on both servers or keep them disabled?
- 2016-11-11 - Would you prefer extended rounds be changed so that they are announced instead of being secret like they are at the moment?
- 2016-09-11 - Tgstation Vs Goonstation
- 2016-07-27 - Would you like to see beards earned by surviving rounds in a row added to the game? Link to pull request.
- 2016-07-19 - How has the removal of security cyborgs impacted the game?
- 2016-06-21 - We're thinking of having a super-long Marathon Round on Bagil this Wednesday, the 22nd. The round would not be permitted to end for many hours, with appropriate levels of admin help to keep things livable. Good or bad idea?
- 2016-06-17 - Would you prefer the AI core on the Minisat, or in the centre of the station? See this PR for a preview https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/18625
- 2016-06-16 - Why don't you play sec? (Choose up to 3 options)
- 2016-06-02 - How do you feel about the cloner grabbing the ghost on completion of cloning?
- 2016-05-31 - How do you feel about admin button pressing/events/etc?
- 2016-05-27 - Rate how you feel the removal of the inaction clause from the roundstart AI law 1 has affected your interactions with silicons
- 2016-05-25 - Would you like to see the AI get a 2 second delay to dropping door bolts?
- 2016-04-04 - Do you prefer lavaland or the mining asteroid?
- 2016-03-17 - Please select your choice for the Player Elected Headmin. There will be a runoff vote held if two or more candidates are closely ranked.
- 2016-03-11 - VOTES RESET DUE TO VOTER FRAUD PLEASE RE-VOTEPlease select your choice for the Player Elected Headmin. There will be a runoff vote held if two or more candidates are closely ranked.
- 2016-02-27 - Should the AI removal test be extended another week?
- 2016-02-27 - Do you think removal of the AI has been a positive test?
- 2016-02-07 - Should head admin term lengths be shorten to 4 months (From 6 months)?
- 2016-01-03 - Which AI satellite design do you prefer?
- 2015-12-21 - Which banner would you like to see /tg/station's frontpage?
- 2015-11-06 - Do you like the map rotation system? Disregard the maps themselves, this poll is just about the system.
- 2015-10-07 - Unban ERP? Full conditions at https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=4696&p=123938#p123938
- 2015-09-22 - Auto Rifle's impact feedback
- 2015-09-13 - Player Headmin general elections! ROUND TWO! FINAL ROUND Please choose who you would like to be elected as Head Admin.
- 2015-09-10 - Player Headmin general elections! Please choose who you would like to be elected as Head Admin. A run off vote of the top candidates will take place shortly after if no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes.
- 2015-07-15 - Rule sets: What kind of rule sets would you prefer? (discussion thread)
- 2015-07-04 - Recently, melee armor resistance in the game was heavily reduced with the intention of making melee weapons more viable compared to stuns and projectiles. What changes have you noticed in combat?
- 2015-04-22 - Player Headmin general elections! FINAL ROUND! Please choose who you would like to be elected as Head Admin.
- 2015-04-19 - Player Headmin general elections! ROUND TWO! Please choose who you would like to be elected as Head Admin. Another run off vote of the top candidates will take place shortly after if no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes.
- 2015-04-16 - Player Headmin general elections! Please choose who you would like to be elected as Head Admin. A run off vote of the top candidates will take place shortly after if no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes.
- 2014-10-27 - Player Headmin general election run off vote! Please choose who you would like to be elected as Head Admin.
- 2014-10-24 - Player Headmin general elections! Please choose who you would like to be elected as Head Admin. A run off vote of the top candidates will take place shortly after if no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes.
- 2014-06-30 - HEADMIN VOTE: Select the THREE candidates who you'd like to become headmins.
- 2014-01-23 - Community advocates vote. Three of these candidates will become community advocates, you can cast 3 votes. For your vote to count, your account age at the time the vote started must have been at least 7 days.
- 2013-11-18 - How would you rate your experience on the /tg/station game server?
- 2013-11-17 - TG Station 13 will now share news through Twitter. Follow us @TGStation13. (Link: @TGStation13)
- 2013-11-09 - What do you think of the Telescience section of Research?
- 2013-11-09 - Which social media platform would you benefit from, if we posted news there?
- 2013-11-01 - How much do you generally trust the AI in the average round?
- 2013-11-01 - As a human player, when you interact with cyborg players, which module do you prefer them to be?
- 2013-08-10 - Would you like to see running speed reduced?
- 2013-08-07 - How would you rate these gamemodes?
- 2013-07-30 - Spreading news to our players has been a constant issue in the past. We've finally started a thread dedicated specifically to important news. Please subscribe to it to be informed of TGS13 news.
- 2013-07-26 - Please give a star rating to Space Station 13
- 2013-07-16 - Attention! We would like you to participate in the nomination of new head admins. This is happening on the forum. Click here to go to the thread.
- 2013-07-15 - What do you feel about current move speed? (Please note, it's not possible to make it any faster.)
- 2013-07-14 - How much time do you think the website mods and admins have to dedicate to Space Station 13? (not counting playing)
- 2013-07-14 - How much time do you think the server hosts have to dedicate to Space Station 13? (not counting playing)
- 2013-07-14 - How much time do you think the average active TG-Station 13 administrator spends adminning Space Station 13? (not including playing)
- 2013-07-14 - How much time do you think the average active TG-Station 13 coder spends on coding for Space Station 13? (not including playing)
- 2013-07-11 - When did you first play Space Station 13?
- 2013-07-08 - We invest a finite number of hours into developing the game. How should we distribute the time we have available? Should we focus on improving what it feels like to play antagonists or the crew?
- 2013-07-08 - WORSTCODER 2013 (First semester)! Which of these coders do you nominate for the coveted title of WORSTCODER 2013 (First semester)
- 2013-05-12 - We've noticed the heads of staff roles are very unpopular. What is your view on playing as a head of staff?
- 2013-05-09 - How do you feel about the general effectiveness of melee attacks (e.g. toolboxes & fire axes)?
- 2013-05-09 - What do you think ASIMOV AIs should do concerning woody's got wood readers?
- 2013-04-28 - How do you play when given a solo antagonist role? (such as traitor, wizard and changeling)
- 2013-04-24 - Would you like the AI's freelook camera to be visible to everyone?
- 2013-04-22 - How do you feel about the equipment security currently has?
- 2013-04-21 - Please rate how much you approve of these common playstyles.
- 2013-04-21 - Please tell us how laggy this game is to you.
- 2013-04-19 - Please rate the following color hues for medbay. They are just recolors, not finished sprites, so don't mind any image imperfections. Also, only rate the hue. A poll for the exact shade of that hue will be held next week.
- 2013-04-19 - For the last couple of days we experimented with having the AI and Cyborg becoming unable to speak normally, having to take alternative methods to communicate instead; i.e: beeping and holopads. This poll will decide which options to turn on and off.
- 2013-03-29 - Do you use hotkeys?
- 2013-03-29 - How do you feel about the privacy of ban logs and information about banned players? (Please select the option that best represents your opinion)
- 2013-03-29 - Many people voted that they would like tweaks or partial rewrites of the server rules. Which rules would you ammend? (Note:The options below only present rule summaries. See here for rules )
- 2013-03-22 - How do you feel about the enforcement of our server rules?
- 2013-03-22 - How do you feel about the current server rules and policies? (Rules)
- 2013-03-22 - Do you feel the game developers listen well enough to the players' ideas, opinions, suggestions and feedback?
- 2013-03-19 - How involved are you with the Space Station 13 forum?
- 2013-03-19 - How do you rate the last few months' game development/changes?
- 2013-03-19 - What has your experience been with server administration?
- 2013-02-05 - Should telecomms be more accessible?
- 2013-01-05 - Which of these game mode do you enjoy playing? You can select them all if you like playing all of them
- 2012-12-28 - WORSTCODER 2012! Which of these coders do you nominate for the coveted title of WORSTCODER 2012?
- 2012-12-21 - Would you be interested in trying out the department security concept, which is currently inplace on Sigyn, for the Sibyls?
- 2012-11-17 - Please rate each of the following areas of the current map by how well they are designed.
- 2012-11-17 - Which of these heads of staff should be in charge of robotics? (The location of robotics on the map can be changed)
- 2012-11-17 - Do you think we should create more game modes, which are only slight alterations of existing ones and play on them for a while? After a while, a poll would be put up to determine if some of the new modes are better than current ones. Popular would stay.
- 2012-11-15 - Do you feel the removal of assistant maintenance access a few months ago has improved the game?
- 2012-10-12 - Please rate how much you enjoy playing in the following roles. (can only vote on Sibyl #2)
- 2012-10-10 - What could we do to improve the ingame user interface? (Text replies)
- 2012-09-29 - Do you feel the removal of assistant maintenance access has improved the game?
- 2012-09-11 - Should puttingadonkonit be promoted to full admin?
- 2012-10-25 - Should aphotic be promoted to full admin?
- 2012-10-21 - Should pathofchaos1 be promoted to full admin?
- 2012-10-21 - Should Gamarr be promoted to full admin?
- 2012-09-11 - Should Garrus be promoted to full admin?
- 2012-08-10 - Should throwing someone (or getting thrown into) electrified grilles or airlocks shock the thrown person?
- 2012-08-10 - Which game mode would you most like to see re-added to rotation?
- 2012-08-10 - Which is your least favorite game mode?
- 2012-08-02 - Should TankNut be promoted to full admin?
- 2012-08-02 - Should Calasmere be promoted to full admin?
- 2012-07-31 - How do you rate the current ingame user interface when compared to the previous one?
- 2012-07-29 - Have you gotten used to the user interface?
- 2012-07-25 - Which job would you most like to see get improvd? (Doesn't have to be the worst job, but a job you actually play or would play if it was improved)
- 2012-07-24 - How do you feel about admin-played midis?
- 2012-07-24 - Do you think we should make a new map?
- 2012-07-24 - How do you rate our current map?
- 2012-07-22 - Pick your favorite!
- 2012-07-21 - Is Ian still the best thing ever to have happened to the station?
- 2012-07-17 - Should ghosts be able to make a single light flicker with a minute cooldown?
- 2012-07-13 - Should we lower movement speed?