What do you think about the current Nonhuman Heads event? Do you think it has a space in TG? What experiences have you had with Nonhuman Heads?
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- Player: I like non-human heads, I like seeing people with non-human statics on head roles, I like the new dynamics that I face with them! I know a lot of people complain about ooo asiimov this but I've had no problems with it, Ai's have been just as cocky with non-humans as always, and In all my rounds with this enabled I have yet to see a non-human try to upload crewsimov. It really feels like just, the normal game, but now both me and other people can have more fun
- Player: Im literally the most spacist man in existence but I thought that non-human heads were kinda cool while they were a thing :)
- Player: I like it. On one hand, it feels a little bit like the human heads thing is SOUL and leads to an interseting dynamic on the station as it's a little bit of inherent inequality and I think 'balancing' a species in a game like this with a social bias/prejudice is an interesting idea, as it makes ancestory inherently intersect with more than just mechanics. On the other hand, ever since joining Manuel in particular I have become increasingly in favour of non-human heads. Outside of AI laws, I don't see that much specism conflict these days and when I do it tends to just feel kind of gross, like something that should've been left in the past. Therefore, I am in favour of removing the few remaining aspects we do have (outside of maybe pay and silicon laws, but that's largely because the former doesn't really matter and the latter tends to cause as many issues for humans as non-humans.) Human-only heads increasingly feels like a legacy item rather than something that has a positive effect on the game, and I think it would help lead to a significatly more positive atmosphere if characters can slot in whereever they wish.
- Player: >be me >tider 2024 >roboticist builds epic cool mech >decide to deride him cuz lol >insult him while he kills a lone op >die cause sec is wildin(idk what that means) >Its claimed my random outburst of vitrol at the roboticist is cause RD was yiff? >Had stood in cargo deriding the QM b4 robo >QM knew it was cause I just dislike the floor plan of meta cargo Remember that the only place to post anecdotes from ur rounds is the stories of awesome threead on TG at phpBB
- Player: I did not participate in the event.I have no idea. Bye
- Player: Its peak. Keep it forever. The game has been improved, head rolls are much more frequent and the game is more interesting with a more colorful cast of characters being played.
- Player: It seems like something that would be fine as a random station trait like human AI.
- Player: I like it but feel it should require to be unlocked with extended play time as said head before being playable as non-human
- Player: It seemed fine, but should probably be done in concert with crewsimov, so that AIs don't baulk at orders from non-human command and ruin perfectly good rounds by trying to assert that as there are no human command, they are the highest ranking crew or other such nonsense. Otherwise, seemed like fun.
- Player: I think it's best kept as an event rather than a permanent thing. Generally speaking it feels that the majority of nonhuman heads play it for the novelty of "haha funny lizard Captain" rather than any actual intent to play the role. Although this is probably just an effect of it being a "limited time event".
- Player: fake and gay
- Player: I love this event. I most definitely believe that it has a role in TG. I have had positive experiences, ranging from Ai law conflicts to the difficulty that is caring for plasmamen. It is a truely wonderful and fun experience.
- Player: yea its cool i dont get why people get so upset abt it
- Player: I like nonhuman heads.. adds some funny encounters.. if only ipcs
- Player: usually i don't have a problem with non-human heads but sometimes its too much.
- Player: Its good because it makes people with small brains angry. I got to be CMO once and I was beat to death with a chain while getting a sandwich during a rev round. Solid 7/10.
- Player: Its only been on for a couple days but I think it has had a positive impact. I am seeing CONSISTANT rounds of all heads of staff roles being filled. I am seeing new players play head of staff roles ive never seen before. I am seeing players that I know stopped playing the game come back and play it now that they can be a no human head. I have not experienced any issues with non human heads and asimov coexisting. So far it is working very well and there has no calls for crewsimov and no cringe instant relawing of the ai to crewsimov by non human command. Like I actually personally dont think human authority is a bad thing. I quite like the roleplay setting that it gives off. But I also think that it is worth sacrifising for player enjoyment. I have seen people extremely happy that they can be a non human head. I dont play non humans at all. Its simply not something that affects me other than creating more competition for head roles. But I do think the impact has been only positive
- Player: Lore wise, I dissaprove of the nonhuman heads, even tought it works as a great addition for gamemplay and roleplay.
- Player: I like the idea of keeping it around. I would be curious to see a rev round with nonhuman heads play out though seeing as a Headrev could just order the AI to kill the heads right off the bat. But thats the only potential major problem I can think of, and is also what you're potentially signing up for as a nonhuman head so... yeah I would support the idea.
- Player: Very good :)
- Player: First round as a nonhuman head I got into a deathwar with the ai and a posibrain which interpreted everything in the most malicious way possible and a HOS who didn't believe in RDs right to change laws Honestly I love it and despite bad experiences I really like that chance though it will lead to a lot more conflicts between heads and silicons Though if anything I believe it's silicons who should be reigned in because there is not a small cast of people who play silicons purely to be as malicious as possible and break rule 1 under the guise of most inane law interpretations and people who play silicons to play out their racist fetishes And its not even bad faith talk after that fight, I love playing robo and working with silicons but I also witnessed just a lot of silidicks in the process, similar to sec players in a way But nonhuman heads are great, I say the only heads that maybe should stay human only are captain and hos since they're also heads that cant be tots and are mindshielded
- Player: Nonhuman heads has so far been fun, and aside from the occasional outlier, rounds with it have been pretty normal. Methinks it's a good idea.
- Player: its good add it
- Player: I think that we should still keep human heads in the form that only Captain, Hos, and RD need to be forced human, but we sohuld have nonhumans CEs, moth CMOS, and the like
- Player: Nothing very different, the heads were just sometimes a lizard or a moth with a silly name but in the end it didnt feel high impact to me.
- Player: i think its cool
- Player: i hope i get a nice thesis subject to work on, i got my first no lol answer i hope the next one goes better.
- Player: I think that it seems like an interesting idea, but we've already run into some not-fun conflicts where someone has had their round pretty significantly impacted by being unable to order the AI to stop messing with them. I think this might just be growing pains though, and I'll update this later in the experiment if my mind changes.
- Player: I'S FUCKING SOULLESS DON'T DO IT OKAY! IT'S NOT OKAY IT WONT HAPPEN OKAY! I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS DRAMAZING IM IN YOUR WALLS, I LOVE YOU AS A PERSON BUT THIS IS SOME 1984 SHIT THIS IS THE LITERALLY ONLY TIME I WILL APPEAL TO THE SLIPPERY SLOPE I need a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce, don't be frontin son, no seeds on the bun, we be up in the drive thru, order for two i've got a craving for a number nine like my shoe, we need some chicken up in here, in this shizzle, 4 rizzle my nizzle extra saltf on the frizzles, doctor pepper my brother another for your mother, double supa supa size and don't forget the frys.
- Player: So far my experience with nonhuman heads has been on lowpop rounds as AI. Both rounds resulted in human traitors running wild and openly doing objectives while I refused to snitch to the heads. After some more rounds: Its funny to have like 2 or 3 heads that I don't care about running around in revs because I can egg them on to do stupid things.
- Player: I liked it
- Player: terrible doesnt fit in lore
- Player: i like the idea even though i have not even played a round with it yet
- Player: I have not been around long enough to give a proper answer i think. But it seems to be contrary to current background lore stuff thingies so i somewhat oppose it for that reason. That and it also sorta removes an advantage to humans because before only humans could be heads. But honestly the main advantage is Asimov so dunno if it is really a significant ''nerf'' if at all.
- Player: While I was not a part of the event due to irl matters, I do believe it does have a place in TG. Before the event, I typically have had very positive experiences with non-human heads who were promoted as such during the shift. I feel the interesting interactions between non-human heads and ASIMOV would lead to some cool roleplay interactions as well I feel though that's just me.
- Player: never was in favour of even the qm being non human. i like the flavour of human superiority.
- Player: Only nonhuman heads should be for ce, cmo, and qm. The rest should be human only
- Player: I like it. AI might be a bit of a problem, but it's something interesting to work around.
- Player: as a human player,LET EM XENOS BE CAPTAINS
- Player: it leaves departments less empty, very easily avoiding the problem of "no humans wanted to play this role so now its just empty" easily a major positive for me
- Player: I quite like having nonhuman heads, to me personally I found it strange and more like an abitrary restriction that heads could only be human. My experiences with nonhuman heads during this event haven't been that different from the standard. I think that it does have a space in TG as it doesn't change much while opening up player freedom and fun.
- Player: Suddenly the quality in command staff has drastically dropped. It's probably the nonhumans.
- Player: I don't really see an issue with non-human heads. As someone who doesn't play command and plays as a human, I wouldn't mind if non-human command stayed as a thing, at least on Manuel.
- Player: Non human heads I think hurt the human/Ai dynamic there for are bad. but! I think QM could be a non human role.
- Player: Haven't seen a difference and dont care.
- Player: I dont think nonhuman heads make any meaningful positives to this server. Its a step at wearing away the edge of the setting, which has already become very soft for what is supposed to be dystopian. Id like to see alien races have greater differences, and this is a big one to lose. This is one of few places that has this restriction, and we should not seek the same appeal that every other server has.
- Player: I like it - I think a lot of the non-human heads have been good at their job and take it seriously. While I understand that Asimov laws make this difficult, I find that most AIs will work with non-humans anyhow. It could also be adjusted so that command gets "auto human" status to avoid the random racism of certain AIs in order to keep things smooth.
- Player: I love the addition of nonhumans to head of staff positions. I'm seeing so many new faces in the roles and all the positions are being filled too. It definitely has a space on TG and should remain on. It's fun interacting with heads of staff who only speak draconic and seeing how they interact with the AI as heads of staff.
- Player: Not much of a fan. Removes RP opportunities and one of the more interesting aspects of the setting.
- Player: Not a fan. Inevitably asimov will have to be changed to accomidate. Having it with just QM seems acceptible, but for the entire command to be able goes against the grain. Maybe as a RARE station trait, or an admin only togglable event?
- Player: i don't like it i would prefer human only heads. if non-humans wanna be a head they can get promoted in round like anyone else
- Player: I think any head of staff aside from Captain, should be able to be a different specie. Hell if there can be a hos without legs, why not a plasmaman hos, it's not about the disabilities though, it's about the variety and the different scenarios which could happen -depending on the round. Personally I don't play heads of staff that often, however I seen some which really did fit for the role, for example moth medic a perfect innocent combination, or Ethereal Rd crazy scientist. It feels that those roles are really in character and having different specie as heads of staff allows for different views or outcomes in certain situations.
- Player: I think that its great as an event! No issues wih it at all, I quite like seeing round events like this actually.
- Player: nice
- Player: it's nice
- Player: I have enjoyed it and I wish it could be a constant thing instead of a limited time only thing. I don't see why we can't have them.
- Player: I think nonhuman heads doesn't negatively impact the game. That being said, if nonhuman heads became a rare station trait, I think there should be a character pref so that it only rolls that head job if the trait also rolls.
- Player: no
- Player: Medical not being ran, SM not being set up and sec claiming the prefix of shit- on every round. So basically without change. Still against it flavor-wise tho
- Player: I don't think it makes a major difference, but I like the inclusivity for other roles. I think a non-human captain shouldn't be allowed though if Asimov is the default AI set
- Player: I feel like it should become the standard for TG, I really enjoy Non-human heads and albeit while the staff of TG may prefer to have human heads, I think I'll always enjoy the fact of non-human heads being more common. It gives variety to the rounds at large and also lets people who normally wouldn't be interested, be interested and finally get to try stuff they normally wouldn't get to do because they're forced to play as a human atleast for command.
- Player: The rule preventing Crewsimov sucks. The move to let nonhumans be heads is good.
- Player: hnestly its pretty cool and reminds me of wallstation keep it also it tends to make people more braindead
- Player: i dont think it fits on tg. we have an asimov ai to listen to humans, command should generally be required to be able to command the silicons i play lizard myself and i perfer having no head of staff over a new nonhuman every time
- Player: Turn it off thanks
- Player: Humans where made in Gods image, and we will remind the XENOS OF THAT
- Player: I like it.
- Player: I'M THE (FORMER) HOST OF WALLSTATION13 WHAT DO YOU THINK MY OPINION IS? (yes I like non human heads)
- Player: Non-Human heads are needed because I feel like locking Head of Staff to humans only has kinda always been weird because "TerraGov racist lol" and I think we need to move past it. With it though, we need to change the default AI laws. Asimov sucks ass anyway.
- Player: nonhuman heads are epic
- Player: Non-human heads of staff are a great addition. However, in the case of RD, this immediately exasperates the AI-asimov relationship. In addition, I think the station captain should always be a human, or heavily bias to favor humans.
- Player: havent had any problum with them
- Player: I don't really think it's that big of a deal
- Player: I think Nonhuman Heads as a whole are a very good thing for TG, as they will allow for more players who do not enjoy playing Humans to enjoy playing more important and impactful roles.
- Player: cringe
- Player: not a fan
- Player: cringe
- Player: It's a lot more convenient when I can speaks a mutual language with the HoP or HoS. Perhaps not a particularly common issue, I still apppreciate it. Though, I don't appreciate it more than the :lore: or whatever unless that changes too.
- Player: "Central Command decided to hire aliens for command staff but didn't change the AI accordingly." That's pretty dumb even by a corporation's standards. I suppose it does have a space in TG, but now you have to explain some of Central Command staff also being aliens.
- Player: :(
- Player: I personally like it. I think it makes sense that more roles are able to be played as any species. I think Nanotrasen would indeed hire other species for management positions.
- Player: Yeah, OK, Striders , I guess you could consider that an event. What I'd consider an event would be something acutally fun and engaging for the players. In reality, half of the playerbase sat out dead, gibbed, unable to play while the lucky players just manage to get all the fun. If this is going to be a pattern for your "events' (Admin Abuse) then I'd prefer you just stopped while you're ahead. Next time this happens, there will be an admin complaint. You have been warned.,
- Player: Biggest issue is hostile AI. Without naming anyone things get hard when an AI can just be told to override a head (such as the cap) if they're non-human. May be prudent to either moddify asimov or make captain human only.
- Player: its the best thing ever added to the game!!!
- Player: I like to see some of my favorite statics playing head roles they're capable of, but it being temporary has also resulted in a lot of incapable or outright detrimental players taking up important roles and having a bigger impact on the round than they otherwise would have, because they want to play a head as their static before the event ends.
- Player: I used to play paradise so im used to non-human heads. The only issue I could really ever see from it is it causing problems with the AI
- Player: good event. would run again.
- Player: It's perfectly fine, death to felinids however.
- Player: cringe
- Player: I enjoy Nonhuman Heads because it enables more friction between Command and Silicons.
- Player: it's pretty cool i think
- Player: I don't like it, I'd rather it not be on TG
- Player: I love nonhuman heads, although you could make them only appear every other week or something to also have that authentic only-human Heads experience
- Player: Still haven't played with non human heads, but I do have 2303 hours in this server and I thought this change over many times before, so I'll give my opinion - I think non human heads shouldn't be a thing because it conflicts with Silicon law, and I really like the dynamic between AI able to be problematic in game versus non humans, as well as the in game racism we get sometimes from humans to non humans which also leads to some pretty funny moments.
- Player: Nonhuman heads adds more flavor and is a pretty nice addition, i like lizzy captain
- Player: ligga
- Player: I feel it should be permanant, tho I don't usualy play human to begin with
- Player: Splendid experience, keep the nonhumans head it's funny for the ai the crew and the players
- Player: i got griffed as catgirl ce that was pretty funny but no i dont liek them
- Player: Non-human heads - cringe
- Player: Non human heads makes sense in a non racist society.
- Player: I'm seeing some players who adamantly refused to take head roles now taking those roles and doing a reasonable job. Feel likes that those slots are being filled more often by competent players.
- Player: please do not, ai can freely kill nonhumans and this will lead to crewsimow default lawset, and this removes the only good feature from humans
- Player: Making it a round modifier might be fun.
- Player: nonhuman heads is good but leave ai asimov by default
- Player: Yes, non-human heads are fun. If people wanna do something interesting with sci fi racism make sec all human. Better conflict
- Player: It's alright, I don't care.
- Player: I dunno, I suppose i'm not really too big a fan of it, but I suppose that's because i'm a human player, kek. As for experiences, while I have not had any from the event, I HAVE had prior bad experiences from one round type events with non human heads. I remember when I had entered science to get Lamarr. I had called on radio for the RD, to no response, so I decided to go and take Lamarr with the purpose of doing my gimmick then returning him to his rightful owner. I had asked science prior if they had an RD/knew where they were, which was met with them not knowing. RD found me when I took Lamarr, and proceeded to beat me with his baton, restrain me, and then mutate me against my will. They were, of course, non human, and I suppose this could happen from any RD, human or not, but it's an experience that i'm not exactly fond of, even if they may have been in the right to atleast beat me with their baton for trespass. Thankfully, with this event, the non-humans have been fine. I haven't seen anything too bad out of them. Also, aren't humans unique because of their superiority? They get to have ASIMOV superiority, and also the fact they can be command while non humans are stuck with QM. I feel like it wouldn't make too much sense. What's to stop a non human going something like HoS and then having a human traitor law 2 the AI to kill the HoS? Either you keep that, or remove Humans being the only ones safe from the silicons, which would again mess with Humans and the whole point of ASIMOV superiority.
- Player: the concept of human heads is incredibly soulful and fun, it does a lot of work in setting up the actual feel of the setting on-station as a tangible effect players know and interact with. but its a big damn issue that we have 4 very unique and cool species, and they aren't allowed to play the authority roles. why? because this means knowledgeable players who dive into interesting aspects of the game and inherently 'off-meta' species, are not allowed to play as heads, a job intended to be played by said experienced players who dive into interesting aspects of the game, without losing their unique character they've grown attached to over so many hours of playing. meanwhile, players who are unaware/uninterested in complex aspects of the game and play the default species, have all these spots that are emptied out available for them to pick up and be bland, boring, or downright annoying in. and can they really be blamed? if they dont take the roles, who does? this is a simple generalization, obviously not every moth player is a good head player nor every human a total bozo. but the trend is noticeable, especially if you actually play more than one server all of this, alongside the propensity for heads to be antagonists so often (which is a separate topic), ends up resulting in a culture of nobody really giving a damn about heads, because they are either annoying, new, evil, or boring. way too often, you have the department full of interesting, unique people, and then this one person nobody knows or cares about at the top, not really putting in a good example, focused on some project they needed to be a head and thus human for, or flailing about helplessly. i like the compromise of 'can be heads ONLY if nobody else rolls the role', i might look into coding that, maybe with some other caveats.
- Player: Horrible hate it remove it
- Player: I hate non-humans :^)
- Player: Nonehuman heads allow people that are used to a nonehuman species to also experiance head of staff roles as they're prefered species
- Player: Overall experience is good, but AI's/Borg's ignorance is the main problem, it's more of a frustrating thing unlike a major problem.
- Player: Honestly I don't mind either way!
- Player: it's fine, haven't run into any particular issues due to it.
- Player: Is cool, there was no reason to not have nonhuman heads, people would use the "lore" argument, but....no one cares about the lore in this game, except for like, 20 people, and the lore doesn't even interact whit shifts, we aren't a HRP server, i wish we were, but we aren't, Manuel exists but calling that MRP by itself is a streth, anyway. Yeah the event is cool, nonhuman heads adds diversification to the game, even if it is just a bit, and the experiences i had are no different from the experiences whit human heads, they act the same, except from some better roleplayers that add the flavor from being a different species to their character, all things said, 10/10, there is no reason to not have nonhuman heads and i think they should stay.
- Player: bullshit and chaos
- Player: I think nonhuman heads are fantastic, as I really wanted to play as a moth as a head but I was unable to. Maybe making captain the only forced human head could ensure some safety, but I really enjoy being able to play as a head with my favorite species, please keep it!