What could be improved about the new rifle (BR-38)?
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- Player: Do not make it a replacement for a combat shotgun
- Player: I think the current rifle has some slight issues. The rifle is obviously a long gun, but doesn't fit on the back slot, but the belt. Also, while the 10 bullet magazine is fine, I think the current 20 shot buffer before it starts to go wonky is a bit too much. Especially if you can just reset it back to 20. Either keep it 20 and reduce the safe shot reset to 5 with a multitool, or just change the max safe shots to 10 total. I do think having it come only with TRAC shots from ordering is a good thing. All in all, maby change it to a "carbine" to justify it not having a back slot but a belt slot, and reduce the capacity for safe shooting after prolonged use.
- Player: Making it more unique.
- Player: Remove the degredation mechanic
- Player: The sprite while holding the weapon could use some work. its massive and unweildly looking.
- Player: idk
- Player: No need to make a gun with that much of function, like "degrades slightly after 20 shots" "reducing projectile speed in certain conditions" There is no need to really make a gun, that no one will use because 90percent of people are lazy will jus tbe lazy to try and understand how it works, and considering that it might work shitty. Let me just say what will happen, people will just continue to use laser guns (Because al they do is shoot) after two weeks of this BR-38 gun, it will be forgotten like many other guns (Thermal pistols, new mosins, riot shotties).All the gun should do, is just shoot, without any "Malfunctions and advanced mechanics"
- Player: A bit cheap for how powerful tjhry are, think about increasing the price.
- Player: Maybe if it could be modified with a wrench or somethin' to be able to shoot different ammo other than just .38s. And so it would also degrade the rifle faster if it was some better ammo like .45s.
- Player: remove it
- Player: Make guns expensive.
- Player: It's damage is horrendous. It really needs to be improved.
- Player: Scope is cool, but not useful at all. Not sure how I would change it, but it definitely could be better. I don't see much use for long-range like that either way.
- Player: Scope is cool, but not useful at all. Not sure how I would change it, but it definitely could be better. I don't see much use for long-range like that either way.
- Player: Extend the scope as the bullet travel can be a issue, but it would make sniping more intresting.
- Player: delete it
- Player: My complaints are as thus: 1. The sprite's aesthetic and design is too sci-fi and futuristic and clashes with the rest of the game's aesthetic, and furthers the blandification of it. It should look more 'cassettepunk', with a chunkier, perhaps squatter, look, and less random glowy bits, or a total redesign into a more fitting and unique style, such as a revolver carbine (which would also help make the caliber less ridiculous) 2. The rifle 3-tap stamcrits people. This is insane. Tracking shots should be tracking shots, not win-game shots. This just makes it a better disabler, which is lame and uninteresting. There's hardly a reason for rubber magazines to exist with this, and even lethal ones to a degree. 3. Ten sheets per magazine drains the entire station of materials instantly. A printed box of mags is seventy sheets, more than a cyborg or ripley. 4. The multitool-'charging' system is cute, but it's very janky. The gun needs to start sounding more 'hollow' as degradation goes on as an auditive cue, alongside perhaps textual ones like mech warnings. I also would much prefer if the 'charging' was faster but could be done in stages, such as each stage of degradation taking 4 seconds to undo, then continuing to the next stage with another 4 second windup. This would make it less lame. 5. The multitool charging system could be improved with those additions, but it still feels aesthetically off. The intention was to make a ballistic gun that fits the 'recharge and wait' dynamic of security, but fixing it with a multitool just feels weird and more fitting for energy weaponry. Perhaps something else like a gun maintenance kit would be less conceputally silly (and also not require sec to tide multitools)
- Player: By default it should use Rubber at MINIMUM. Also it needs more ammo types.
- Player: the sprite is too big it looks like a railgun
- Player: The magazines NEED to be printable for it to be fun to use. Printing individual shells takes so long that its just not worth the hassle without stuffing your bag with every magazine imaginable
- Player: remove tracking make it not need to recharge
- Player: The magazines NEED to be printable for it to be fun to use. Printing individual shells takes so long that its just not worth the hassle without stuffing your bag with every magazine imaginable
- Player: bring back combat shotgun
- Player: no idea bro i am just an atmos tech
- Player: make it shoot more before becoming unstable, return combat shotgun
- Player: Replace the malfunction mechanic with something else, it's obnoxious. Also keep the original sprites in the PR, they look much better than the suggested resprite, which honestly looks like something out of the Terraria Calamity Mod. That's not a bad thing, but it doesn't fit in at all.
- Player: make it a dmr or something
- Player: EVERYTHING, first it needs more damage, second they need to decide if laser bullets or bullets coated with lasers, either it needs laser or bullet properties, if bullet properties, give it structural damage, secondly, if laser property, make it rechargable with rechargers, also, if bullet property, it ABSOLUTELY needs more ammo to mkaeu p for its horrible damage
- Player: nothing
- Player: not belt storage, maybe suit? uhh and like make the threshold for exploding smaller