Harmful Audio
I am looking to clean up our audio, and would like a list of things to look at. What sounds are too loud/painful to hear?
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- Player: firelock sounds
- Player: not hearing antag sound when i spawn
- Player: supermatter alarm
- Player: Pipe drop wav, you know what admins do it as a joke, and they know it is too loud.
- Player: swhitenoise
- Player: t comms equipment supermatter grav gen
- Player: I really want to play with ambient on but at times its straight up horrendous
- Player: The fucking police whistle is STUPID LOUD for no reason
- Player: blast cannon bad
- Player: bwoink sound, remove it all together, as a matter of fact remove admins all together they fucking suck and ruin fun for everyone
- Player: Telecomms, even just a few telecomms machines (4 for a minimum setup) blow out your ears if you get too close.
- Player: Welding
- Player: the arrival shuttle departing
- Player: bwoink. in all seriousness some sounds around th Supermatter are painful to hear
- Player: I personally have misophonia, or extreme irritation caused by eating noises. I don't mean to add on to your workload, but if you could add an option to disable all eating noises that would be a godsend for my experience.
- Player: supermatter, gravgen, a lot of the tool sounds but only as the user
- Player: The fucking frog
- Player: I know it's intentional, but the nuke blowing up the station sound effect really doesn't need to be 50 times louder than the rest of the game.
- Player: None, in fact some are too quiet, I would recommend increasing the audio of most sounds like footsteps
- Player: None, in fact some are too quiet, I would recommend increasing the audio of most sounds like footsteps
- Player: BWOINK
- Player: grav gen hurt ear pls nerf
- Player: The portal storm sound effects are annoying
- Player: the Modsuit error sound, which usually plays when you try and activate your suit with the panel open or whatnot. that thing is so loud, and it always makes me jump whenever im not expecting it. the sound itself isnt bad i suppose, but please quiet it down
- Player: the frog and toy mouth are loud as hell
- Player: Energy sword
- Player: portal storm + the colossus "horn"
- Player: Nothing. Audio is one of the only things that we really are missing, and I would like more audio before we start cutting shit :D
- Player: Experimental Destructive Scanner - cytology destructive scan experiments (vat-grown cockroach, mice) is too loud. Borg in the destructor makes the same sound but maybe given that circumstance is justified in being a bit louder.
- Player: lobby music
- Player: Airlocks, telecoms
- Player: when sm delams and the audio gets REALLY crusty
- Player: body getting dismembered and being gibbed is awfully loud paired with an explosion
- Player: admin help bwoink noise
- Player: Clown shoes.
- Player: SM kills
- Player: that pahhhhhhhhhhhhhh when you walking down the hall
- Player: When you step on a bunch of lightbulb's at once it is deafening. Perhaps make it so only one of the bulbs make audio, or have a seperate sound for when 2+ bulbs are stepped on.
- Player: fire alarms
- Player: supermatter hum at higher energy/mole levels canbe ear-destroying.
- Player: Firelocks. REMOVE FIRELOCKS. A slight change in degrees? BWAAHHHH!!! BHWAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
- Player: Get rid of the fire alarm and telecomms sounds, they're just obnoxious as hell.
- Player: Bwoink scares me
- Player: The frog's scream is very painful to hear at times
- Player: There is only one sound I have a complaint about. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ZAZA, CHANGE THE NULL ROD/ANTI-MAGIC ACTIVATION SOUND!! I'd expect something magical-sounding enough to come out of it, not some sort of weird combination of someone sucking on an empty juice box mixed with scratched chalkboard.
- Player: Police whistle
- Player: The Arrivals Shuttle docking noise has taken a few years off of my functioning hearing.
- Player: fire alarms
- Player: moving over TCOMMS as a player or ghost (and maybe AI? i forgor) is real fuckin loud I think grav gen also has the same issue of being loud as fuck the instant you move into the room next to it
- Player: Soften the sound of the SM slightly, it comes through and shakes my headphones.
- Player: Multiple airlocks, wounds, Vox AI spam, Comms console announements spam, clown honk items on our tile, bronze items. sabre/e sword hits, disposals, emitter, GRAVGEN.
- Player: airlocks, heretic runes, e sword flicks, emmiters, code spams(just make cooldown on code change so people wont spam with them) Gravgen.
- Player: "Life on Mars?" title music is a little on the loud side compared to other title audio, though nothing too jarring. It's enough that I have to use Stop Sounds when it comes on, even though I love the song.
- Player: Steel pipe. Please Vekter. I know its funny. But please. It hurts me.
- Player: bwoink
- Player: the sound of a locker being hit by an emitter
- Player: telecomms but its reasonable given that youre in a contained room with the most fucking obnoxious technology to repair to begin with the rock guitar? red guitar? very annoying personally with the BEE BEE BEE BEE BEEs every second but i muted most instruments myself
- Player: The PDA noise when you scan a pipe with the atmospheric app It makes a really annoying beeping sound. It's not that loud, but it plays every time you scan and makes it hard to use
- Player: Large quantities of stacked up items going through a disposals inlet/trunk and bin(?) at the same time, give a brief, but VERY loud sound, depending on how many items goes through at once.
- Player: The low droning noise of the supermatter can be a bit painful.
- Player: the shuttle departing when entering a round
- Player: Mr. Beast sound effect
- Player: the new shutter sounds, the sounds of people complaining on discord, the bwoink sound, the intern
- Player: bwoink
- Player: Those Bri'ish tts are annoying. Add something nordic. VIKINGS
- Player: Some, if not all, of the SM sounds. Ia combination of them being very loud and very very bass heavy. I like the SM sounds but they are far too loud and the bass is too much.
- Player: The public testing chamber outside science is very loud and its sound keeps the same volume no matter how far away you are from it, or if line of sight is broken. Also it's a tad grating I guess.
- Player: bwoink But as a non-joke answer I hate being near telecomms and the grav gen for any reason. Air alarms are slightly too loud.
- Player: text to speech
- Player: telecomms and grav ambient
- Player: i dont know if the gun sounds were looked at but CS2 has some crisp gun sounds we should steal them
- Player: Yo mama
- Player: Yo mama
- Player: All audio seems great to me
- Player: the nuke detonation is slightly too loud. i also remember the nukie traitor alert sound peaking in a similar manner but i haven't heard it in ages so i'm probably long. also the classic lobby songs are DEFINITELY too loud, i used to have to always open up volume mixer when they were the only ones in rotation.
- Player: the nuclear bomb explosion
- Player: let me turn down the laval land wind
- Player: i think the noise that comes out when you use the arrow keys in a disposal pipe should be louder and more annoying.
- Player: Those earrape tracks you can play on synths
- Player: Anything that the Intern says
- Player: The damaged hearing tinnitus is quite upsetting as someone who already has tinnitus. I hate hearing it in games.
- Player: garbage on a conveyor belt in cargo. more garbage entering at once - more harmful.
- Player: clones in genetics screaming all the fucking time. my wife must think im into the weirdest shit
- Player: Anything to do with the SM, the intern, the idiotic robot announcer, anything relating to TTS
- Player: telecomms machinines and the static
- Player: The fire alarm is too loud. AI going delta hurts my ears too.
- Player: Midi library is painful for my soul to hear, wish tg would get midi playback like on ss14
- Player: New sounds sound really really bad. Older one sounded better.
- Player: fire alarms
- Player: Please please please please turn down air alarms.
- Player: grav gen
- Player: The "wave" intruments on the midi player (only seen it on PAIs) put them up to max volume and try any song, it will give you a headache (on all 3 types) either immediately or after listening long enough
- Player: Nothing, it is perfect, thank you, goodbye
- Player: emag honk or something like that thing is too loud
- Player: The PANDEMIC ping when a culture bottle or vaccine is avaible is kinda owchie. I mean its good, serves its purpose but kinda painful.
- Player: Disco inferno
- Player: Nar'Sie spawn is so loud that I have to take my headset off everytime it happens. Also if I remember, some lightning and gun sounds are a bit too loud (Can't remember which in particular though). Also those brass boots can be a little annoying, but I think that's the point of them.
- Player: the ones that are loud/unpleasant are like that for a reason so its ok
- Player: The sound it makes when you walk over a frog
- Player: You're a cool guy, thanks for the service
- Player: Telecomms, grav gen
- Player: -Arrival Shuttle boom -Cult conversion explosion on mindshielded people.
- Player: Arrival shuttle reaching it's destination.
- Player: the frog sound and the horn its blaring i really liked the new fire alarm noise
- Player: Fire alarms.
- Player: Doors opening are little loud compared to other sounds currently in the game.
- Player: flashbangs and flash spam do genuinely hurt my eyes, as i cannot deal with contrasting lights very well. i would recommend the laser sounds be meatier since they are really unsatisfying also.
- Player: The nuke going off
- Player: "Are there men on mars" or whatever its called makes my ears bleed take it off lobby music thx
- Player: Make lazer guns not sound like a Pew pew noise
- Player: B W O I N K
- Player: The Supermatter, especially when the emitters are on
- Player: Telecomms is loud SM noises is loud sometimes (better than it used to be? maybe I got used to it) Big lightning noise (The lightning bolt noise from a massive bluespace anomaly) acid noises
- Player: frog
- Player: The supermatter gets way too loud when it starts delamming, especially the alarms that sound that easily are some of the loudest sounds in the game.
- Player: Telecomms, the gravity generator, surgery noises
- Player: The arrival shuttle is way too loud Fire alarms are also a little loud and get annoying after a while.
- Player: ling startup is pretty loud at times tesla zap at times usually when there are multiple zaps at once energy weapon pitch shift is horrendous
- Player: Nothing,this game's sound design is great as it is,a simple BWOINK can strike fear into anyone,and the iconic roundend sounds like the ''You baggy doncutting'' Keep them the same
- Player: The sound of stuff going into the delivery chute stacks. If you were to flush, say, 50 bullet casings down disposals, it'll play the disposal sound 50 times stacked on eachother. The instrument delivery pod is also a bit loud but not to the point of blowing your ears out.
- Player: bwoink
- Player: necropolis tendril death
- Player: Bombs that are extremely close to the listener, especially very potent ones, can be quite ear shattering.
- Player: Nuclear emergency and alarm sound.
- Player: being stuck in a disposals loop
- Player: VOX AI
- Player: the new menu music
- Player: The honk sound.
- Player: bwoink sound make me spook very icky!!!!
- Player: telecomms servers too loud grav gen too loud
- Player: honk high pitched noise from certain instruments