Baton Armor TM Question #5
If you weren't in a major combat role, did you feel the impacts of this change if you did encounter a baton? Why/Why not?
Ckeys are anonymous unless you are logged in as an admin.
Text responses are completely unfiltered.
- Player: I did not feel an impact if not in combat
- Player: sanabi
- Player: No, I was CMO and the telebaton seemed to work the same as usual for me
- Player: Yes. Not being in a combat role does not make you stun immune.
- Player: No , cause batons feels the same
- Player: stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop stop it stop i said stop st
- Player: no
- Player: Nah
- Player: meow
- Player: The ability for security to deal with threats keeps the round from ending at 30 minutes in every round. Nerfing batons pushes rounds to getting ended sooner due to unchecked antags. Thus reducing the amount of non chaos you can enjoy
- Player: yes noob change ��������
- Player: yes noob change ��������
- Player: I don't feel it much, and let me say why, I dont play much security, but i love batons, and if i get my hands on one, all i do is change the cell for it to be normal baton once again, or find telescopic baton. But overall, the impact is great, you can't really rely on anything now, smart antags will still stunlock you in two hits. And that's completely fine with me, unless I do the same for antags.
- Player: Even if stun-batons were changed that doesn't really address the core problem of security as a LRP metagang dragging down the quality of roleplaying on the alleged roleplaying server. This is a drop in the bucket. This does not address aggressive use of looted equipment, the demand to ALWAYS have Quadsec for a quick heal, the regularity of security deciding to ignore the chain of command and overthrow the captain because they are bored and have run out of things to kill. This sort of effort is a tolerable start but it does not go nearly far enough.
- Player: I didn't have many shifts as a non-sec with the TM so I didn't notice much difference
- Player: No I play 90% silicons so I dont get in fights where batong matters much.